/ Gold Price


Talisker Resources Ongoing Commitment

  • Supporting Local and Regional

  • Encouraging Gender Diversity

  • Creating Tangible, Lasting Benefits
    for Local Communities

  • In 2021, Talisker had Nine
    Indigenous-owned Vendors in BC

BC Section Map

With respect to our Bralorne Project, Talisker identifies the Squamish Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) as our local area. We consider the area  of our greenfields exploration in southeastern BC to be our regional area. We track and report our impact on local communities, the region of our greenfields exploration and the province of BC as a whole.

  • Community and Economic Impact
  • Environmental Initiatives
  • Indigenous Engagement

"We are all involved in maintaining the world we live in. Everything we do has an impact on the environment, from turning on a light switch, driving a car to watching television. As responsible corporate citizens involved in exploration for extractive industries, our aim is to work hard to reduce the footprint of this impact through a concerted effort at all levels of our organisation, the contractors we use, the products we buy, the way we interact with our communities.

Talisker’s environmental program is tightly integrated with the corporate culture we are developing. Our Program is pervasive throughout all levels of the organization and is upheld by each and every employee and contractor. We are striving for an individual conscious choice to make a difference."

Terry Harbort President & CEO, Talisker Resources Ltd.

Talisker's 4 R's

Talisker Initiatives, Based on the 4 R's

Digital Office Initiative
Invasive Species Initiative
Environmental Toolbox Meetings
Litter Cleanup Initiative
Erosion Awareness Initiative