150,000 m
Drilling Completed

63 Veins Open Along
Strike and at Depth

Shallow Resource from
Surface to 700 m Depth

96% Average
Recovery 65% Free Gold

Clear Pathway
to beyond 5 Moz+ Au

47 Historic Gold
Occurrences on 33 km Trend

100% Owned 14,000 ha
Brownfields Camp

to 2 km Depth

Renowned as one of the largest, highest grade, longest producing mines in British Columbia, the three historic mines of the Bralorne Mine Complex, Bralorne, Pioneer and King produced a total of 4.2Moz at an average recovered grade of 17.7g/t. Production closed in 1971 due to subdued gold price (US$35/oz, US$220/oz in current dollar value). On average, production at the Pioneer and Bralorne produced 2,300 ounces per vertical metre mined.
Of the 63 veins identified, only 30 were mined, 29 of them to a maximum depth of only 900 metres. One vein, the 77T was mined continually to 1.9 kilometres showing the incredible depth continuity of the structure. All of the veins remain open at depth and many, including the 77T remain open along strike.